Post 7 : Changes to my Study Programme


Hello everyone, today I will talk about the program of the career of Industrial Designer.

First, in the first years, may be the first 2, we must take integral subjects to learn solid base from design, but this system doesn’t work too well, because there are many cases of bad teachers, where the ego happens to lead to first-time students, which collapses any hope that it will come later. this generates a certain tendency to hatred in certain matters, since these bad experiences are generated, if you still in the career in your 3 ° year you need to choose what mention you want, the Design of products and services, Design of visuality and media or Integral one where you are called Designer integral. after making the election you have 2 years of specialization in the sector, and one where you develop professional practice and your degree project.

The career must last 5 years, usually extends to around 7 or 8 years of duration, almost always for ambitious title projects.

About infrastructure of the university…. it’s pretty fair so to speak, yes we have a wood workshop and one of metallurgy, but most of the time tools are missing or they are in poor condition, at the same time the lack of spaces to study or stay within the faculty, is evident in comparison to the number of students and not to mention the computer laboratories, basically you are obliged to buy your own pc to be able to meet deadlines stipulated by the branches.

speaking of the forms of teaching, I think there are teachers who implement them very well, there are others who escape from the academic and border on abuse, which pushes to surrender with the career. Unfortunately, you cannot do too much about it, just try to opt for the best teachers and give the best of themselves, make deaf ears to bad teachers and take refuge in friends.



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