Post 2 : The best Holidays / Concert ever

When i was a chill my mom promise me, when i finish school,her wolud gona give me as a giff a travel to italia and europe, so once i finish mi last year in school we began the travel. it's was amaizing, I knew the cities that during my childhood I dreamed like Roma, Venice, Barcelona and others, the travel take us like 3 weeks i think, and we eat a lot of street food and go to the most "turistic " places, talk to some people in my very poor english in those times, but it's goes well , to met some people who live's there jajaj, the thing i most like it was traveling in train, country to country, its just amazing, look through the windows and see all the snow landscapes, talk to your seatmate... just fantastic, like a movie. on top of that we go there in december, so ...everything was Chrismas and new year, to add some beauty to this wonderful places. the city I most loved in this travel was Venice... its just like you imagined, full of small passages, littles ri...